Saturday, March 17, 2012

Response to a Trinitarian

" The term "Trinity" does not appear in scripture, however the concept of God in
three distinct yet co-existing persons of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit are revealed throughout the Bible. The Fourth Lateran Council of the Church stated that the the three "persons" or "aspects" of God are all fully present and fully equal. The "Name of the Trinity" is just that: the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Now there's an explanation from a person raised Southern Baptist, who spent 20 years as a Methodist and who converted to Catholicism 13 years ago."
First and foremost our position to reject the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is not because the word Trinity is unbiblical, but because the biblical position on the nature of the godhead is that of the Oneness view. While there may be room in scripture for the concept of “Composite Unity,” said concept does not contradict the Oneness position. One of the greatest problems with the Trinitarian concept (among many) revolve around the portion of “co-existence,” and “co-eternal.” Both of these portions of the Trinitarian concept lead to some form (In one way or another) of the doctrine of “Eternal Sonship,” which has been scholastically rejected (With some exceptions like Calvinism). For example the word “with” in John 1:1 (according to Trinitarian scholars), demands that a second person be included into this verse; “with” meaning face to face. While this may be true in the English language, it must be considered that concepts are attempting to explain the nature of God with human terms which are subject to error (unlike the scriptures which are infallible). Furthermore, to take the position that the word “with” demands a second person, then ultimately the person taking said position is placing another person in eternity (due to the context of the verse), that is eternal sonship.
Co-equal persons that have society within themselves leads to further problems such as: None of them can be “the Almighty.” If they are co-existing, did God the Son cease to exist for three days, after the crucifixion? God the Son speaks of a demi-God, or Jehovah Jr. The son of God speaks of the humanity of Jesus Christ. There is an amazing amount of difference in these two terms (besides God the Son, being contrary to scriptural doctrine). It is also interesting to note that the doctrine of the Trinity has evolved into a concept that it wasn’t originally intended to. When
speaking of the original concept and language of said concept, it had a whole different meaning. To clarify however, the definition and or name given for Trinity “The "Name of the Trinity" is just that: the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.” This also is inaccurate at best; Trinity is the name of a concept coined by Tertullian (in Tertullian’s written work
entitled Against Praxeas) before the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.
In conclusion the Trinitarian concept separates and divides the person of God, as oppose to the Oneness view that God is united, God is unique, God is One, God is Almighty.